Updated opening hours
Monday: 10am - 8pm
Tuesday: 1pm - 8pm
Wednesday: 1pm - 8pm
Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday: 10am - 7pm
Appointments available directly on 07717 515 013 or through my email enquiry form
With extensive training and a range of
therapeutic experience, I can help
people with a range of physical and
emotional problems.
Monday: 10am - 8pm
Tuesday: 1pm - 8pm
Wednesday: 1pm - 8pm
Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday: 10am - 7pm
Appointments available directly on 07717 515 013 or through my email enquiry form
If you would like to discuss your treatment with Sean prior to booking an appointment, please contact him directly on 07717 515 013 or complete this enquiry form.